Meet the Team: Design Intern Ian Shaw
Meet the TeamGOATGOATGOAT, GOAT New Orleans, Ian Shaw, Tulane, Tulane School of Architecture, AIA, AIA New Orleans, New Orleans, New Orleans architecture, New Orleans designer, Lincoln Beach, Peter Zumthor, Tulane Design Competition
Project Spotlight: GOAT Brings New Construction to Tulane's Uptown Campus
Project SpotlightGOATGOATTulane, Tulane architecture, Tulane University, Tulane Police Department, TUPD, New Orleans architecture, New Orleans news, New Orleans design, Batture LLC, Synergy Consulting Engineers, Pangea Construction, New Orleans
Meet the Team: Associate Designer Ryan Harnish
Meet the TeamGOATGOATnew orleans desig, new orleans designer, new orleans architecture, new orleans commercial architect, New Orleans commercial architecture, new orleans things to do, Miel Brewery, Crescent Park New Orleans, Smiljan Radic, Ryan Harnish, GOAT, GOAT New ORleans, Tulane School of Architecture, Tula, Tulane, Tulane architecture
Meet the Team: Design Intern Emily Brandt
Meet the TeamGOATGOATEmily Brandt, GOAT, GOAT New Orleans, New Orleans architect, New Orleans architecture, New Orleans design, New Orleans designer, Creole Creamery, design job, design internship, Tulane, Tulane architecture, Tulane School of Architecture, Thomas Phifer, Thomas Phifer and Partners